New Dad

This started out as a Dad's perspective on my wife Katrina's pregnancy and a way to keep the family updated. Alina arrived in February 2006 and now it's more about our parenting adventures. Now we've added Evelyn in July 2008.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Just Ask!

As it turns out, this child of mine is apparently learning things behind my back! How dare she get educated without me! I'm finding more and more that I don't know what Alina knows unless I ask. And she constantly surprises me. "Where's your belly button," I asked this morning. Lo and behold she took her two index fingers and pointed right at the thing. I started moving onto other body parts. I thought this skill was limited to locating her nose. Nope. She found her ears, eyes, and mouth next. What the hell? What else does she know?? I asked her for specific toys and to point out animals in a book. Butterflies, Fish, Giraffes, Elephants, Cats, etc. Crap! I mean ... Gooood Girl. She knows all of these. So she's clearly comprehending, just not communicating. But her babble has picked up considerably and some new syllables are coming out. Ending her made up words with 'TH' and 'L' sounds n' such. The documentary continues.

Interesting note: We're going to a wedding this weekend and it will be the first time Mommy will be without her daughter overnight. Ohhhh boy. That, coupled with an open bar. Oh my! Anything can happen! I apologize in advance for the Drink n' Dial - "Izza bebe ohkaay?"


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