New Dad

This started out as a Dad's perspective on my wife Katrina's pregnancy and a way to keep the family updated. Alina arrived in February 2006 and now it's more about our parenting adventures. Now we've added Evelyn in July 2008.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

My Name Is, My Name Is...

I've been told not to tell people what we're thinking for names because everyone has an opinion. We go through a lot of phases with the whole name issue. We had the New York themed names like Brooklyn or Holland for a girl and Hudson for a boy. The more common names like Alexis or Isabella. And the hippie names like Rain and Bodhi. Lately we've been juggling names like Jackson, Dean, Hunter for boys and Alina, Vivian for girls. One problem is that these names tend to synchronize themselves with our lives. When we come up with a name, it's almost guaranteed that we'll meet or hear of three kids with that same name.

The Social Security website for baby names has been helpful to find out what's more common now and 100 years ago. Statistics geeks will enjoy going through the Top 1000 names by decade or finding out what year their name was the most popular. Perusing this I found thousands of children with names like Unique, Baby, Princess, Mercedes, Lexus, and about 6 spellings of the name Madison Madisyn Madyson Maddison Madisen Madisson. So whatever we name our child, I'll take comfort knowing that it's not any of those.

What's the big deal with a common name? I dunno. When I was born, Ethan was ranked 321. It was cool having a name that not many people had. These days it's ranked #5, so it gets annoying when I'm in crowds at the beach and keep hearing my name being yelled to children and wanting to answer.

Since American names tend not to mean anything like in other countries -- "Hello, I am Munkás. It means River in Hungarian." -- why not just make one up? Just throw some vowels and consonants together and come up with something that has rhythm with a difficult name like Aronoff. That was kind of the genesis of Alina. Dean came about because someone once came up to me and said, "Are you Dean?" I said, "No, but I wish I was now. That's a kickass name." Vivian was the classic approach. Hunter and Jackson were the mildly pretentious ones. So we'll see what happens. But like I've said, 10 fingers and 10 toes is all I'm really concerned with at this point. Oh, and having the heart beat inside the chest. That's a good one too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ethan is the coolest name on the planet. Loved it from the time I was ten.

Ancestral family names the are interesting are, Sarah, Irene, Shannon, Weseley (a Shannon ancestor who was the first to come from Ireland to America. He was a teacher), Dell, Kenneth, Cora, Ann-Marie, (the only French ancestor), Rex, Elizabeth, Charlotte.
Kitty could look up some others in the geneology.
Then there is the Aronoff side:
Stanley, Julius, Norman, Sidney, etc. Don't know much about the ancestry. Lorraine would be a good source.
Dean is cool. Reminds me of James Dean, one of the best method actors ever. Have a feeling it's a girl. Yeh. Can'wait.

11:06 AM, July 31, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Dean too! ESPECIALLY for a girl!

Auntie Jules
(i already forgot my password)

11:33 AM, July 31, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I finally found your blog Ethan! Yaay! Anyway, I know what you mean about not wanting everyone and his brother to name YOUR kid. I've been secretly hoarding names since Hayden was in my mother's belly, because by the time I can have kids, none of the ones I like will be cool anymore. Which is awesome. I totally love the name Vivian, and Dean really isn't bad. What Aunt Susan said- I like the name Westley... But I want that one, so back off. I hope everything is going swell with you three, and I hope I get to see y'all soon.

4:39 PM, August 01, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hellu, 'tis Leah. I've always had a "thing"abotu naming things,and I always thought it was a get honour to be able to name living things and have them called that. (Okay,even un-living things) So maybe since we're related you're as excited about naming a child as I might be eventually. I like your name choices so far, especially Vivian and Hunter. A big thing to keep in mind though is what nicknames they'll be called (I'm sure you already thought about that) like Vivi and Hunt. Those aren't shabby nicknames. I always thought Leah was a drab name because you couldn't get any cool nice names out of it. So, people eventually ended up calling me Billie. Don't let this happen to your child!!!
Mit liebe,

4:44 PM, August 01, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You always hear about people giving their pets "people names", but you never hear of people giving their children "pet names". If you want to be truly original, why don't you consider the following:
Baby Baby Kitty Pants
and last but not least

2:21 PM, August 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to pay us midwesterners some hommage and consider some hillbillyish names. For boys you could choose from Ronnie, Donnie, Lonnie,Jonny, Slim, skeeter, tiny, tiny jr, Jr, JR as in Jay Are, Clem or a combination of names like Bobbie Ray (also works for girls) Jimmie John, Billy Bob, jonnie Ray and such. For girls there are good combos like Sally Sue, Bobbie Sue jean, Bobbie Jean Sue,Sue Bobbie Jean (good name for future litigation), Emma Mae,or Sallie Mae, Norma Jean (eeek)! There could be the plain jane truckstop waitress names also like Trish, Fran, Trishelle(don't laugh I knew one), Maggie, Tish,or many others, Dave

12:02 PM, August 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...why not just make one up? Just throw some vowels and consonants together and come up with something..." They already do that in Kentucky. First husband was Efferice. Heard of one family who had a "General Sheridan" (first and middle name) who was referred to as "G.S.". Same family has a "General Sherman" (first and middle) referred to as "Genral" so as not to be confused with GS. Names are fun!
Auntie Kitty

1:06 AM, August 15, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I *love* the Social Security page... I could browse that puppy all day. I was most interested to see that my name is nowhere to be found. While "Kayla" (in what I like to call the "Days of Our Lives" spelling) is now number 18, back in the illustrious year of my birth the same spelling was ranked at 892 (just behind Delisa and Tangela). Michaela popped up at 964 (strangely less popular than Zina or Hattie) but no Kaela to be found. So I'm guessing my Mom DID just through some consonants and vowels together..... be careful though - look how I turned out!

5:13 PM, August 19, 2005  

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