New Dad

This started out as a Dad's perspective on my wife Katrina's pregnancy and a way to keep the family updated. Alina arrived in February 2006 and now it's more about our parenting adventures. Now we've added Evelyn in July 2008.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Third Trimester Digest

Katrina grunts and says "God!" while I'm sleeping. I wake up and ask her what's wrong and she says that she's too big and can't get out of bed to go to the bathroom. So, I push her over on her side so she can swing her legs onto the floor.

Alina gets hiccups about four times a day now. While being cute and apparently very normal, I feel bad because I want to help somehow. Like, I want to reach in there and pat her on the back or something.

We're already preparing a menu of items for Katrina to feast on when she's post partum and ready for it. Cappuccino, red wine, sushi, stinky cheese, diet coke with lemon, pate, morel mushrooms, and assorted items that give her terrible heartburn while pregnant like marinara sauce and spicy foods. She'll probably pump a few bottles and save them for the weekend.

She's now up to a size 10 in the feet and has taken to wearing shoes that have no backing so she doesn't need to bend over to put them on. That, and it helps when her feet are swollen at the end of the day. P.S. Walking Company rules!

Getting impatient. Want this baby to come now! Feels like she's been pregnant for a year. Time is moving very slowly. Expectation does that.

Baby gains one pound a week now and Katrina is starting to put away foot long subs - with chips!

Nesting. I woke up for work and found that the apartment had been cleaned sometime between 12am and 8am the previous night.

The family baby shower is next weekend. Where do you keep a nipple sterilizer? We're gonna need a bigger boat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kids:

G'ma is back on line after a long hiatus during the move to our country "estate." A bigger home for our growing family. Lots of
grandkids seem to be coming along. I even ordered a gothic, 104 inch long dining table to seat the burgeoning family. Room for one and all, including the two (at this juncture) grandkids.

The big event is drawing near, and we are anticipating the event with excitement and curiosity. What will this little girl look like?
During the move, I found lots of baby pictures of the Dad, when he was small; some very amusing, but always adorable. From the pics I've seen of Katrina at her Mom's house, this baby should be a real winner in the looks department. I just want to HOLD her.

Parenting is a real challenge, but the word "relax" always comes to mind. Enjoy this stage, because it is the absolutely the most fun time in your life - when your kids are little. Don't forget to keep a log on her achievements. Hope she is a sleeper. First babies tend to be up more, while second babies are the sleepers. Luck of the Irish, the Jewish, etc.

Stay calm - she's almost here.


8:59 AM, January 25, 2006  

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