New Dad

This started out as a Dad's perspective on my wife Katrina's pregnancy and a way to keep the family updated. Alina arrived in February 2006 and now it's more about our parenting adventures. Now we've added Evelyn in July 2008.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

First Halloween

"I get all the oogly eyes and cheek pinching and *mom* gets to keep the candy!"

A cow? Yes, a cow. Alina has a healthy self image so she was able to deal with the stigma of representing the bovine family that night. The lamb outfit was too big so wait until next year. We were in CT and we only visited a few houses, all people we knew. I was surprised at the total lack of Halloween destruction that I remember from my time in the suburbs. Eggs, toilet paper, shaving cream, Molotov cocktails. Though there were those big kids dressed as slasher film icons like Jason, Michael Myers, and even early Jason when he had that sack on his head. One was carrying an actual axe! I thought Jason used a machete. Well, I wasn't going to question them. They didn't seem to be carrying any candy. Just walked real slow and stared at people. Wicked. When we drove back to Queens that night I thought for sure we'd be ambushed by dairy flinging youths. Alas, nothing. I did see three eggs on the ground though, so there's hope yet. Most kids aren't even allowed to dress up on Halloween in school anymore. I've run into a lot of youngins who've said that their school has "Spirit Week" the week before Halloween. You know, Pajama Day, Hippie Day, School Colors Day? Weak, dude! I actually called my cousin's principal and asked why they don't let the kids dress up. I got the VP and he hid behind the Spirit Week excuse as well. I think it's a religious thing. One catholic school girl we know told us her teachers said in as many words that they'd go to hell if they dressed up. You tell 'em, Jesus!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had similar experience with Kelsea's halloween. I took her and two friend shopping for toilet paper, eggs, choc syrup, and the like. They all came out and said they couldn't buy it without an adult. So I had to accompany them. Well, they did stream a bit of TP around the neighborhood, and killed my house with a dozen rolls or so. It looked great. It was in the trees, bushes, mailboxes, ponds, cats, everything. They had a ball. Then they squeezed choc syrup into 4 mailboxes. Uh oh. Kelsea couldn't sleep that night because of it,(worried about being arrested) so we did a reverse raid and cleaned the mailboxes after midnight. What a mess. Cops were everywhere.

Anyway - what is the world coming to that the kids can't do a bit of innocent pranking once a year. It does blow off some steam, and let's them feel "bad" for a night.
I say let 'em do it.

Alina looks adorable in her costume. What a kid!!


11:24 AM, November 03, 2006  

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