New Dad

This started out as a Dad's perspective on my wife Katrina's pregnancy and a way to keep the family updated. Alina arrived in February 2006 and now it's more about our parenting adventures. Now we've added Evelyn in July 2008.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Toddler Toddling

A couple of days ago, Alina spent more time on two feet than she did on all fours. Of course, she falls about every six to eight steps. But then she gets right back up again, not to be outdone by pesky gravity. Her "first steps" weren't really steps. TV has lied to me ... again! She didn't spontaneously start strolling along while everyone clapped and snapped photos. She actually advanced by taking what can only be called quarter steps. Well, my criteria for walking differed greatly from Katrina. Letting go of Mommy and falling into the couch didn't count as steps to me, though it was a debate. To me, a Step is putting one foot forward and then bringing your other foot to meet it. Done. Tough criteria? We're a Superpower, people! So for a while, Alina would put one foot forward and just fall. Katrina would say "See? She walked!" but I wouldn't have it. About a week later the other foot came to visit, but not all the way, and she'd fall. Slowly over the next few weeks, the other foot came but restarting the process made her fall. So really, multiple steps took much longer than I was lead to believe. Screw you, Hallmark commercials! If I knew the reality of it, I could've saved a lot of videotape.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound like Grandpa Taylor.



8:00 PM, March 16, 2007  

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