New Dad

This started out as a Dad's perspective on my wife Katrina's pregnancy and a way to keep the family updated. Alina arrived in February 2006 and now it's more about our parenting adventures. Now we've added Evelyn in July 2008.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Just Call It Sickness

Whoever called it morning sickness needs to be shot. It's a total misnomer. Katrina is sick so often that a regular person would think they have the flu. Nausea nearly 24 hours a day. And she recoils at the sight of foods now. You know when you're hungover and you look in the refrigerator, see the extra beer, and get sick at the sight of it? We would poetically call it the Fear of Beer syndrome. Katrina has the Fear of Food. We went to a friend's engagment party this weekend and the spread on their table of potato and pasta salads, salsa and chips was more than she could take. She needed to leave the room.

She even has an interesting condition where she can only eat a meal once, then she can't stand the sight of it anymore. For instance, she'll eat pasta or chicken one night. Then after that event she can't see or even think of that particular entree again, let alone consume it, without getting ill. We still haven't run out of options, but I hope we can start at chicken again soon.

And yes, we've heard from countless veterans that her sickness is natural and that it means everything is going well. But I fear the next person who tells Katrina that is going to get punched in the mouth. It's kind of ironic, kneeling over the toilet at work and having women tell you how LUCKY you are.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luckily this stage doesn't last too long. Soda crackers, ginger ale, tea, toast, jell-o (the natural one) may be something she can keep down. Not fun, but this baby is grounded big time, and wants to be born. Typical Pisces.

10:23 AM, July 10, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check the side effects on any pharmaceutical that she takes,

5:10 PM, July 11, 2005  

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