New Dad

This started out as a Dad's perspective on my wife Katrina's pregnancy and a way to keep the family updated. Alina arrived in February 2006 and now it's more about our parenting adventures. Now we've added Evelyn in July 2008.

Friday, August 12, 2005

It's Human Afterall

Look at the size of it! This kid is growing so fast, the doctor has pushed up her due date to February 18th. We're getting into Aquarius territory now! Just like me. So either we miscalculated or taking those horse vitamins since Week 4 has really helped. The baby was 2 weeks old then, don't ask me why they deduct that way. So now we've scooted ahead a bit and we're at Week 13 of pregnancy.

The above ultrasound is a result of the latest nervous ninny test we insist on having. Katrina went in today to get what's called an Integrated Test, sometimes referred to as a Three or Four Screen Test. They do it to check for Down Syndrome and other abnormalities. It's where they do a combination of blood tests and measuring the skin on the back of the baby's neck. Apparently you go through this twice over a six-week period, then you find out if your kid rides the big bus or the small bus. Who knew? Basically, it's a non-invasive version of amniocentesis where they stick a needle inside the uterus and extract fluid. But being as young as Katrina is the odds are very low. I've read that women over 45 have a 1 in 35 chance of a Down's baby. According to the doctor, things are looking good.

The doctor wanted to get a better angle of the baby so she was poking Katrina's stomach to get it to move. Just like its daddy, it found waking up at the behest of others unnecessary and decided to keep snoozing. They told Katrina to walk up and down the hall a few times and eat a chocolate bar - I can only assume to give the kid a sugar high. Also, to empty her bladder so there was more room to move around. You could actually see the lump where the full bladder was pressing on the uterus and taking up valuable napping space. At one point, the baby actually leapfrogged over the bladder. Then we got some kicks, waves, sitting, and sliding about. If you bring a blank videotape, they have the means to record all of this. But who knew there was going to be so much action!? The next ultrasound will show the baby doing lasso tricks with the umbilical cord.

This new picture really brings out some actual facial features. No more talk of "That blob with the dot, see it?! Close one eye. No, turn it over you have it upside down!" There's no doubt now. We can start the debate of whose nose that is and where that determined little chin came from. Still no telling what sex it is yet. And yes, we want to know. We've got enough going on in our lives right now. We don't need more unknowns and we'd like to start shopping blue or pink as soon as possible. None of this neutral yellow and green for parents who want to be surprised. Hey, a child you created is being extruded out of your shrieking wife in a most painful and gooey manner. Isn't that enough fun and surprises for one day?


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