New Dad

This started out as a Dad's perspective on my wife Katrina's pregnancy and a way to keep the family updated. Alina arrived in February 2006 and now it's more about our parenting adventures. Now we've added Evelyn in July 2008.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Kings to Queens and In Between

We found a new apartment in Forest Hills, Queens. Elevator building for the new mommy and over $800 a month cheaper than our current place. We'll miss our roof deck though. However, we'll be taking some of the veggies and flowers with us -- assuming our cat agrees. So, this is all a good thing but may result in fewer postings while we're packing and unpacking. The new lease starts on August 15th but we don't have to be out of our Brooklyn place until the 31st. Still haven't decided how we should do this. I've always done the one-day move out of necessity. And by strange coincedence, lots of people I know are coming down with back and joint problems. Maybe we'll do a slow move. Maybe I'll hire movers. I don't know. 4-Story walkup here so you know I'm not looking forward that. Not to mention my better half isn't allowed to carry heavy things. Maybe we'll sell everything and have all beanbags in the new place. Super Baby Proof apartment.

Competition among parents starts in the womb, as I've discovered with my earlier post about the 138bpm heart rate. But then, when the child is born, we always have to hear about how much it weighed; how many inches long the baby is...since it can't stand up and therefore cannot be measured in inches tall. People tell you the baby is seven to eight pounds if they want you know they have a normal baby. They tell you the baby is nine pounds if they want you to know that mama'll be limping for a while. Six pounds or less? They keep it to themselves. We'll think you were sneaking Benson & Hedges in the bathroom.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note: Benson and Hedges are cigarettes, not clients or "Johns".

I'll help you move. But I want beer.

11:54 AM, August 12, 2005  

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