New Dad

This started out as a Dad's perspective on my wife Katrina's pregnancy and a way to keep the family updated. Alina arrived in February 2006 and now it's more about our parenting adventures. Now we've added Evelyn in July 2008.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Takeover

Alina furniture and accessories are slowly starting to out number big kid objects in our apartment. When you walked into our living room, all you saw was a swing. But once they start sitting up, then in comes the Exersaucers and High Chairs. You'll be folding laundry or making the bed and music will start because a stuffed animal fell or some other chain reaction somehow activated a random toy. Ack! Find it before she wakes up! I've been to people's homes where they have toddlers. You'd never know adults live there. Between baby proofing tactics like removing tables and anything with a right angle and all the objects you receive or buy to keep your child entertained/educated/enriched, you'd think you just stepped into a Gymboree. I'd like to think we'll be able to balance the aesthetics of our living room, the flow, the feng-shui if you will. Or, at the very least make it so that a walk from the bedroom to the kitchen doesn't involve carefully choreographed vaults and sidesteps. But The Takeover has certainly begun, if not stepped up a notch. It starts out slowly like sleeping less, rearranging your closets and things you'd expect like not going to movies. But before you know it, you're watching Dora the Explorer at 8pm on a Saturday. No! I will not be sucked in by that repetitive and teeth gnashing little traveler and her freakin' purple monkey!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

stupid dora, and lets repeat it three times: stupid dora stupid dora stupid dora

9:30 PM, June 15, 2006  

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