Let's Egg Their House
Threat Condition: Little Shits. Katrina was coming out of our building on the way to Gymboree and this little 5-year old is walking by, about ten feet behind his parents. He sees Alina in the stroller, stops, picks up a rock, and throws it at her. What the hell? Katrina yells at him to not do that and he yells something in Russian or Polish and moves on. His parents don't even turn around. Luckily his aim was off. Then when they get to Gymboree, Alina is playing with a ball. Some 11-month old boy decides to come over and steal it from her and walk away. Alina doesn't quite know how to process this. She doesn't get upset because there really isn't that "MINE" reaction yet. I guess self entitlement is learned. This time the little boy's mother nabs him and tells him to give it back. So he starts crying. What the hell? Keep these unbalanced booger eaters away from my kid - forever, okay? I forgot all about this aspect of growing up. Those confrontations and life lessons as simple as someone taking your toy from you. How do you react? Kick him in the shins? I forget how this is done. I start to think back to W.C. Fields tripping children. He'd probably be touching his toes without pants at the 55th Precinct these days.