New Dad

This started out as a Dad's perspective on my wife Katrina's pregnancy and a way to keep the family updated. Alina arrived in February 2006 and now it's more about our parenting adventures. Now we've added Evelyn in July 2008.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Happy Birthdays

"What do you want for your birthday?" I was asked. It was a tall order. I requested that I be able to sleep in on both Saturday AND Sunday. The reaction to my answer was a concentrated "Hmmmmmm". As if she was pondering if such a feat could actually be accomplished. Yeah, it has come to that. I'll reach in my coat pocket to grab my phone and I'll pull out a small sock.

So I turned 31. About as exciting as turning 26. But on an interesting mathematical note, I'll turn One Billion Seconds old this year. October 7th at roughly 8am. At least, that's what says. Katrina took me out for a really kickass dinner at Le Bernardin and had their 8 course tasting menu with wine pairing on each course. Unbelievable meal (foie gras, caviar, kobe beef, etc) but you'll need to take out a mortgage once the bill comes. It was actually a surprise. A 10:45pm reservation at that. One of the grannies showed up at our apartment to watch Alina. I really had no idea and was certainly perplexed when Katrina asked me to wear a jacket and shave. Maybe it's because I look older or maybe restaurants are worried about being sued, but lately when I order something spicy the waiter feels that they need to point out that it's spicy. Okay, I get the little red pepper next to the menu item means it's spicy and it's not like I'm 50 and have an ulcer or irritable bowel syndrome. They'll say "Sir, that's spicy." I typically respond with, "I hope so!" Next thing you know someone will be offering to help me cross the street.

So, I blinked and then Alina was almost One! February 13th! I was warned repeatedly that this would go fast so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. People ask when the next one is coming. I tell them Katrina will have to catch me first but in all honesty, we've got Baby Fund II accruing as you read. As a child, since my birthday is just after the holidays, the running joke was to get me batteries for all the toys I got for Christmas. They weren't always included. Or, if they actually came with batteries they'd be dead by my birthday. Now I'm experiencing that all over again. We try to go old school when we can and buy blocks or those plastic rings that fit on a pole. But, A LOT of Alina's toys need batteries. Literally every size is needed. Most of them get used, which is nice. But she's ultimately happy with eating my cell phone or the remotes. Must be the silvery color. Lights, Colors, Music be damned. My kid prefers knives! And the occasional old Cheerio discovery under the table.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Was that Christmas that just ran me over? I feel like roadkill. It just bulldozed me and I have very little recollection of whether I enjoyed it or not. We got to see a lot of family, which was nice. Luckily, this year we stayed in the same place, my mother's house, and people just rolled through on a conveyor belt. Traditionally, our other Christmases were spent on the road, in the air, or on the rail getting to all the various families. Screw that! It was great seeing everyone but I think I spent the better part of actual Christmas morning making sure Alina didn't put wrapping paper in her mouth. Other than that, I don't recall much else. I look through the pictures and I don't even remember taking them. I think that can partially be attributed to having five Christmases over three days. New people kept coming and we'd start all over again.

I was surprised to see that the wee was actually interested in what was under the paper or in the box. Everyone told us that she'd just spend her time playing with the packaging and not the actual toy. Turns out Alina is a little more materialistic. A few fun waves of the crinkly stuff and it was off to Mrs. Potato Head to see what her arms tasted like. She's starting to walk via the furniture now, by the way.

I think Katrina and I were both out of our brains. When the baby woke up a little before midnight on New Years Eve, Katrina brought her down and was asking for wipes 30 seconds before the ball dropped. "Umm, honey? Can this wait like two minutes?" My first act of the new year? Molting some parental paranoia, apparently. "Oh look, Alina wants the confetti falling from the ceiling fans made of construction paper. Meh, probably not too poisonous. Eat away, baby!"