New Dad

This started out as a Dad's perspective on my wife Katrina's pregnancy and a way to keep the family updated. Alina arrived in February 2006 and now it's more about our parenting adventures. Now we've added Evelyn in July 2008.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

18-Month Vocabulary

Maybe we'll just invest more on her education so that when she grows up she can buy us a house.

She had her first sentence recently: "I Seeee You". Since she does so much copying and mimicking, it's not always easy to tell if she knows what she's saying. But this sentence came out as she was hiding behind a curtain last week. Context!

Other words that I've previously mentioned were Hot and Cracker. Now she says without prompting: Yes, No, Hi, Bye Bye, Wow, Yay!, Ball, Outside, Inside, Uh-Oh, Please, Thank You, Slide, Cookie, Kitty, Fishies, Duckies, Nemo, Mickey, Elmo, Tigger, Doggy, Bird, Moon, Airplane, Bagel, Pretty, Nice, Bear, No More, Balloon, Bus, Bubbles, Again, Eye, Yummy, Apple, Banana, Shoes, Car, and Superior Vena Cava. Well, maybe not that last one. I don't think "Moooooo" is a word but she says it in response to the appropriate question.

Katrina says she heard 'Where are you?', Nose, and Foot recently, but I haven't confirmed that myself - which is, like, required for it to be official as you know.

She loves watching fish at aquariums and animals at zoos and farms. But we also serve it to her as dinner. I often wonder if she has had any kind of catharsis about that before she's old enough to ask why. It's like when your father comes home from a hunting trip when you're four and asks if you want any Bambi Burgers from the grill. When she sometimes refuses to eat chicken, is it because she knows what it is?? We're so used to it and accept the idea of eating animals. I think by adult standards it would be like someone offering you kitten tenders.


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