On Vacation
We went to our timeshare in Florida again. It feels like I just wrote about this. It was a year ago. Great weather, with the exception of about two hours which yielded the photo above. I think that sense of deja vu is what kept us from taking too many photos. Of course, I haven't really looked at them yet because my friggin' computer is down again. Thus the limited posts in November.
We did a drive-thru safari, something that none of us had ever done before. I always avoided them because my car never had Monkey Insurance. I kept hearing these stories where the animals screw with your car. This particular "safari" had most of those creatures moated, with the exception of the Rhinos. You'd think those would be behind something...anything. They tell you not to stop your car near them as they may "inadvertently cause damage to your automobile." Fair enough. But what if the Rhino blocks your exit while his buddies come at you from the side? This is what happened to us. They're slow creatures, so we got to panic for about a minute before we saw a park ranger speeding towards us in her pickup, slapping the outside of her door and beeping her horn to scare them away. I've never seen a Rhino jump before, but this woman was essentially playing chicken with it. She kept speeding towards it and at the last second it leapt out of the way. I tend to do the same with Jaywalkers. They've made their choice!