Double Stroller!
Jesus H. Christ in a chicken basket, we got a double stroller. It's a megalith! It's an Escalade! It doesn't fit through all the doorways in our house! But we apparently need it, especially for times like this:
For the purchase of this item, we used a Bed Bath & Beyond 20% off coupon that we got in the mail at a store called Buy Buy Baby, since they take them. They fought us on it, of course. The next time we got the coupon in the mail it said "no strollers" on it. HA! It was our first time at Buy Buy Baby and I have to say, staff-wise, it was like going from Kindergarten to Harvard. The store actually has a knowledgeable Sales Staff on the floor as opposed to the wandering Babies r Us dipshits who seem to have just returned from cashing their medical experiment participation check.
P.S. So much for saving money on recycling Alina's clothes. When it started to get cold, we finally realized that these kids are off-season. One was born in winter, the other in summer. So, when I went through Alina's old winter coats to give to Evelyn, I only found ones that fit a 1-month old and a 9-month old. So they were all too big and too small. I can't believe we didn't think of that!