New Dad

This started out as a Dad's perspective on my wife Katrina's pregnancy and a way to keep the family updated. Alina arrived in February 2006 and now it's more about our parenting adventures. Now we've added Evelyn in July 2008.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Moving Sucks

Moving a little bit everyday in your SUV is like slowly tearing off one giant band-aid that covers your entire body. I've had two other epiphanies during my frequent trips to Queens and back. One: New York City should subsidize all of our tires and shock absorbers for driving these roads that look like they've been hit by asteroids. Two: The mob needs to start hijacking gas trucks and selling it to the locals for $2 a gallon. I'm sure it's more lucrative than the Fulton Fish Market or Monday Night Football.

But I'm making sure momma isn't carrying anything heavy...or light for that matter. Her main vocation has been guarding the car while I park next to a hydrant to unload objects. That, and letting her nest in the new place. Note to self: Buy roach bait. Distracting her for those crucial 10 seconds after the lights go on is proving to be more difficult. Run little guys, run! Don't let momma see you. I'll kill you later. Somewhere roaches watch nature shows about New Yorkers trying to talk their way out of parking tickets.

BTW, Actual proof our new neighborhood is nicer: When I told Geico what our new address was they actually lowered our premium. They're even sending us a prorated rebate. What the hell? When did corporations start writing checks? I know our 1199 health insurance isn't, judging by all the red envelopes I get with the 6 perforated tear strips to open it - which is really weird seeing as how there are only four sides to an envelope.

Tomorrow is our 2-year wedding anniversary, followed three days later by her 27th birthday. Tactical error on my part putting the two so close together. So between that and the moving madness I don't expect to be posting much more this week. Here's to hoping the internet connection in Forest Hills is up and running soon. Then I'll accomplish more. Well, more for me anyway. Look at the chinese, they want to put menus...I mean men on the moon by 2012 according to the news last week. I guess we should start having goals for that decade too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roaches + new baby = fun!
Here's to the human immune system!

10:35 AM, August 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Many years back, when our boy was first born, Paula, Mike and I moved into our tiny cottage, I spent weeks prepping it: new carpets, paint, etc. After we moved in, I made a midnight trip to the kitchen and there they were! All these tiny critters who had been waiting until we slept to come out and party. We chose to surrender, rather than do battle, and moved within months. HOPE YOU WIN YOUR BATTLE!


10:42 AM, August 27, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wondering if your wife's pregnancy has reached catagory 5 status. Hurricanes are powerful, but unfortunately roaches are attracted to water.
Dave in ohio

9:55 AM, August 28, 2005  

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