New Dad

This started out as a Dad's perspective on my wife Katrina's pregnancy and a way to keep the family updated. Alina arrived in February 2006 and now it's more about our parenting adventures. Now we've added Evelyn in July 2008.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Wishing For Contentment

I need to put a picture of Katrina on here soon. You've got to see this great new belly she's got now. Of course with all pregnant women, a new shape brings the personal discomfort, frequent trips to the bathroom, the need to be complimented ... constantly. I guess they think the big belly = not attractive -- women think weird things. But, she's about two weeks away from chucking our couch out the window (defenestrate!). She just can't get comfortable on it anymore. "I want a big kid couch!" she says, as she rolls from side to side, feet up on an ottoman. Her right butt cheek was already asleep from her uterus pressing on her sciatic nerve before she sat down. Granted it's not a very cushy couch and you're screwed if you have any form of back pain. So I'll go to our room and fetch the two body pillows, a quilt, and whatever else I can find that's poofy -- now the couch looks like a Fort. All she needs are Star Wars action figures and she'll look just like me at age six. And just like the child that you've just dressed in his winter snow pants, hat, and gloves, she has to get up and go to the bathroom. The baby is sitting on her bladder. Then we start the get comfy process all over again. I assume this won't get any easier the bigger she gets. But it's all just part of the process. Oh, and note to all you fathers-to-be: Never use the word 'Moose', even in jest...even if she crashes down on you while you're lying on the floor. You won't live it down.

They say you shouldn't sleep on your back when you're pregnant. That's a hard habit to break, as it turns out. No matter how many pillows and blankets we put on either side of her and make her look like a pregnant hotdog in a Goose Down bun, she will always roll on her back at some point during the night. Maybe if we tape thumbtacks to her shoulder blades she'll be conditioned not to roll. She wasn't a big fan of the idea -- they can't all be winners. She can't sleep on her stomach either, obviously. The baby gives her a kick to the gut if Katrina isn't lying down correctly. This tends to wake her up, then make her aware of her bladder, then keep her up for the rest of the night once she comes back to bed. Take notes all you future mommies.

She's on her feet most of the day at her job, which sucks, and it makes her feet and ankles swell up. So the nighttime foot rub will start to become more of a tradition. It'll be a good time to start dishing out more of those compliments. Yes, you're still sexy. No you're not too big. Wow, that big beautiful belly is so beautiful, you beautiful beauty, you. You did the dishes on your day off?? How wonderful are you?! I can only do so much to help the physical ailments. But as long as I keep dishing the happy thoughts, all will be right with the world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um. Does she read this?

2:36 PM, October 12, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't throw the couch away. We'll take it! Moving into a temp apt in Southport - no furniture. We'll be sleeping on aerobeds, so a couch would be a God send.

Loved the comment about the goosedown hotdog. Great visual.

We are sending you a gift from the new web site. Can't wait to see the mailroom - stuffed bunnies, goofy mobiles, a CRIB. Ha.

You played soldiers, star wars, etc for hours in your blankets, shoved around to form peaks and valleys. So cute. That was the beginning of your weird noise phase. The only kid I knew who could do that Jedi knight fighter plane sound.


10:54 PM, October 12, 2005  

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