New Dad

This started out as a Dad's perspective on my wife Katrina's pregnancy and a way to keep the family updated. Alina arrived in February 2006 and now it's more about our parenting adventures. Now we've added Evelyn in July 2008.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Monday, We'll Know

On Monday at 3:30pm, we will know what the sex is. So keep an eye out for updates that night for the answer. Katrina wants to make a bee line to the Babies r Us to register for stuff. That will most likely be one of several places. Personally, I'd rather do the whole thing online. But I do like the laser gun registry device, if they have them. I wonder if registry gun lasers are bad for the baby? Well, even if they're not, I'll use that excuse so I can play with it more. Mine! I'll already be setting examples of maturity.

Katrina is still getting used to her new girth. She has smacked her stomach with the car door a couple of times. Not too hard, but she's going to need longer arms. She still continually pokes herself, trying to feel baby parts. One time she had me poke a spot that she swore was an arm. It felt like it could've been an arm, but I wasn't convinced. Felt more like a part of her stomach muscle wall. "Stop poking yourself so much," I'd say, "the baby's going to come out with dents!" She's also moving a lot more slowly and gets winded easier. When we walk around our neighborhood I tell her to dictate the pace. Until now she'd gotten used to my long strides.

We've been pointed to an article that says we'll need to acclimate our cat to baby stuff slowly. Since cats get skiddish when you move a table, What are you doing to my space?, this seemed like a rational approach to bringing in a new family member. Especially one that doesn't really act as we do. We're supposed to start wiping our hands with baby wipes, putting diapers on the ground for her to investigate, and pooping and screaming in her face. Well, maybe not that last one. The cat is still getting used to the new apartment. For that matter so are we. Maybe once we get all this baby stuff loaded into our place, it'll feel more like a home. I still slap the wall for several seconds in the dark before I enter a room. "It's not home until you can find the light switches." - Ethan's Law


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean you don't poop and scream in your cat's face already? I tell you, it really makes them not freak about something like moving the table...

2:59 PM, September 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, I blogged about the new strangeness of navigating physical space while pregnant just today, before surfing around to do my blog reading. (

We found out we're having a boy just 2 weeks ago -- it makes it much more real. (For good or ill.)

Good luck!

2:22 PM, September 26, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Words from "Kitty Cat Hill"...BELIEVE ME, the cat will be the least important item in your lives, once Baby is here. The first time you see the cat come near your new child, Cat will become a quick addition to someone else's family.
Love the blog!!!!
Auntie Kitty

4:07 AM, October 12, 2005  

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