New Dad

This started out as a Dad's perspective on my wife Katrina's pregnancy and a way to keep the family updated. Alina arrived in February 2006 and now it's more about our parenting adventures. Now we've added Evelyn in July 2008.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

This Ain't Make Not Sense

Can someone explain to me why baby pants and baby jackets have pockets? Is it just to make babies look more like little people or does one actually use them to hold objects? Sometimes the pockets are in the front, sometimes in the back, and for the life of me I can't figure out what they're for. But that isn't what scares me. You just know someone will create a purpose for them and then sell it to you for $12.99 at Babies r Us. Like a little My First Comb or My First Fake ID. "Well Officer I know it says I'm 23 inches long but that was like two weeks ago. Now I'm totally 25 and 1/4 inches long."

We also have a number of noise making objects meant for babies around the house that are meant to soothe Alina into deep slumbers. But how can these sounds soothe if she doesn't associate them with anything soothing? Like the ocean, jungle sounds, or babbling brooks. She doesn't hear this, close her eyes and think, "Yeah dude, I'm totally there." She hasn't been to the ocean, the jungle, or to a brook so I would think all this stuff would just sound like hissing and noise to her. The only familiar sound on any of these machines (4 D Batteries not included), at least early on was the one that has a heartbeat noise. Sure, that makes sense. She knows that sound from the womb. I think there should be other buttons on these gadgets with familiar sounds like "Mom's Lungs Inflating" or "Mom's Colon After Mexican Food". Alina has heard that much more than 5-foot waves breaking over a Caribbean coral reef.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Distraction - The Movie

We have all manner of things that go *blop* *bleep* and move about. But mostly she just likes to be held.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Look At That Faaaaaaaaaaace

It's Hard to Be Hard

Pushing a baby in a stroller and listening to metal on your iPod creates a really bizarre vibe of opposites. When you listen to hard music, your walk changes, your attitude changes. I have a special playlist for when I feel like saying bite me to the immediate public. But when you're pushing a pram with a cute little baby inside, it's really hard to get your metal walk on.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

0 + 3 = Spring

It's hard to complain about gifts n' such because they're gifts afterall. I didn't buy them for myself. But sometimes I can't help but slap my forehead. We were auditing the baby wardrobe because there's just too much of it. We found clothes meant for a 3-6 month old that were for Winter. Alina was born in February. What is she going to do with a sweater in June? They're cute and all but I think we'll be re-gifting this stuff to a woman we know who is popping in late August.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Here Wife-y Wife-y

Unlike the baby, when I put Katrina in the car it's like having a puppy again. She has been cooped up so much lately that when we go out it's like when you say to your doggy, who wants a ride? WHO wants a RIDE? Then Katrina scampers out to the car and sticks her head out the window with her tongue wagging.

Red Light, Scream Light

Alina is for the most part a very smiley baby and not much of a fusser unless she really wants to eat and mommy is in the bathroom washing her hands. It's like the urge to pee when you're about 4 seconds from actually doing it. Your body starts without you. Anyway, a peculiar trend Alina has started is crying at red lights. She's not a huge fan of the carseat, but the motion tends to knock her out fairly quickly. For some reason though, at just about every red light or stop sign she'll let out a little wahhhh depending on how long I stop. Even if I only stop for a second. She'll fuss for exactly one second. Sometimes she can't get it out fast enough so it just comes out as a quick sigh.